• 5 Reasons to Learn Python in 2020


    Python is a high-level, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. It is created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. The motive behind Python’s design is to emphasize code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace.


    If you are thinking about learning Python but not damn sure why you should do that then here are 5 reasons which highlight the benefits of learning Python in 2020.


    Although, many times the questions depend upon who is asking that i.e. for a beginner, learning Python makes sense because it is simple and this is the main reason for learning Python.


    Likewise, for an experienced programmer who is looking for career aspects into Data Science and Machine learning, learning Python is beneficial because it is the language that is quickly becoming the most used programming language and there are powerful APIs and libraries available for AI, DS, and ML.


    1. Machine Learning


    This is the basic reason why programmers are learning Python in 2020. The growth of machine learning is remarkable in the last couple of years and it’s swiftly changing everything around us.
    The algorithms are becoming sophisticated day by day, the best illustration is Google’s Search Algorithms, which can now answer what you are expecting. Chatbots are there to answer your queries and Uber is completely directed by Algorithms.


    If you have a keen interest in machine learning and want to be a part of a pet project, or just want to play around, Python is the only major programming language that makes it easy and provides you the way.


    The developer community is preferring Python over anything else on Data Science and Machine learning as you will find more content around Python, even though there are machine learning libraries available in other languages like Java.


    2. Data Science


    Data Science is the other biggest reason why many programmers are learning Python in 2020.
    The language which is the most preferred for Data Science and Machine Learning is Python. A few years back didn’t R was considered best for that not too long ago? Well, I think the libraries and framework Python offers, for example, PyBrain, NumPy, and PyMySQL on AI, DataScience, and Machine learning are one of that reason.


    Another reason is the heterogeneity, Python experience allows you to do a lot more than R, for example, you can create scripts to automate stuff, go into web development and so many more.


    3. Web Development


    Now here comes the good old development that is another reason for learning Python. It offers so many good libraries and frameworks, for example, Django and Flask which makes web development really easy.
    The task which takes so many hours in PHP can be completed in minutes on Python. Python is also used a lot for web development. If you are interested in web development using Python I suggest you go through the complete Python course.


    4. Simplicity


    It is one of the major reasons for beginners to learn Python. When you first start with programming and coding, you don’t want to start with a programming language that has tough syntax and mysterious rules.


    Python is readable and simple. The set up is also easier, you don’t need to deal with any classpath problems like Java or compiler issues you face in C++.


    Just install Python and you are done. During installation, it will also ask you to add Python in PATH which means you can run Python from anywhere on your machine.




    I was working with an application that receives messages over UDP and there was a problem, we were not seeing messages in the log when I first come to know about Python due to one of my scripting requirements.

    I required to check if we are getting any UDP traffic on that box and that port or not but I couldn’t find a handy UNIX command to do that.


    And I was amazed to see that the person sitting next to me was knowing Python and he wrote a utility in just 2 minutes to intercept UDP message using one of the Python modules.


    Clearly, I was highly impressed with the time it took for him to write such a tool but that just highlights the power of Python when it comes to writing scripts, tools, and automating stuff.


    The above points show that learning Python will give you countless career opportunities. The organizations need skilled professionals to improve efficiency and enhance their business. Becoming a Python programmer professional provides various benefits such as enhanced career growth, better salary, better job opportunities, upgrade to new technologies. uCertify offers a comprehensive Basics of Python Programming for 98-381 and PCAP-31-02 (https://www.ucertify.com/exams/Microsoft/98-381.html) study guide that helps you prepare for the 98-381 and PCAP-31-02 certification exams with course and lab. You will get a hands-on learning experience in a safe, online environment. The course covers topics such as Python basics, Data structure, Python modules, errors and exceptions, object-oriented programming, Input and Output, Python functions, control flow tools in Python, and more.

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    Meet the author of AppMystery.com – your go-to destination for the latest insights on mobile apps, technologies, startups, app marketing, and blockchain trends. With a passion for all things tech and a knack for staying ahead of the curve, our author is dedicated to providing you with valuable tips, expert advice, and in-depth analysis to help you navigate the dynamic world of mobile apps and innovation. Stay informed and inspired with our blog as we unravel the mysteries of the app universe together. Join us on this exciting journey of discovery and growth!

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