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Ultimate Guide to Mobile App Design- 10 Quick UI UX Tips

With growing technology, the use of Android devices has tremendously grown. There are humongous numbers of smartphone users today. You can definitely find one smartphone with each individual these days. That is where our technology is heading us. We are trying to get things done at your fingertips. For everything and every use, there is an App provided on our device. And this drastic change from manual to smartphone services can be noticed only over two years of phase from 2016 to 2019.

There are millions of apps in our Google Play store as well as the App store. There are so many apps for a similar function or service. Among the ocean of apps, it is very hard to identify the most suitable app for your use. Generally, we judge using the given ratings and reviews and sometimes we try and we find it out. But, that is just a different story.

What exactly a user wants in the mobile app is the App design. The user interface needs to connective and convenient. Not only that, but there are several milestones to cover for creating a good mobile app. So, we can say that creating a Mobile app is not an easy task.

Among the several milestones, some of the very quick and basic tips can be really helpful for building the perfect app. We are providing you with 10 quick UI UX Tips that can ultimately guide you to build the best app you can.

App Navigation

App navigation is a basic and important part of a Mobile.  It needs to be paid real attention over. It should not be complicated for the user and he can easily understand what he wants and where he can get them.

Label your icons quite clearly and avoid jargons or any other things which may mislead or make your users confused. Keep the Back button on every screen to help them navigate back to the previous page. Make sure you keep the Home button as well to help them navigate back to the main page directly.

Declutter UI

It is very crucial to keep the UI of your app free from any form of clutter. A complicated work that makes the UI look super busy and crowded, can actually ruin things for you. When you use too many buttons, items and images that actually piss off the user more and make them leave your app. That is where you have to work on.

Keep your pages concise and user-friendly. Keep main icons over the Home page itself to guide them to directly navigate into their business.  It needs to be simple and super flexible. That is how you will clearly deliver the right message you wanted to convey your audience.

If you actually notice, mobile screens have smaller display and laptops have huge screens than mobile screens. Seeing too many clutters like images, ads, buttons the user can be diverted from its focus


Make The Design Consistent

As we discussed above, you need to keep all the pages quite consistent. The buttons, images, interface design, colors and other stuff needs to be exactly the same all over. Disturbing the balance in uniformity can be a serious threat to your Application. From consistency, you need to follow these words is a fundamental principle of design. Consistency eliminates confusion. Maintaining an overall consistent appearance throughout an app is essential. Regarding the mobile app, consistency means a good visual uniformity all over it.

Well, you need to be sure for the functional consistency as well. The buttons and other items should operate in the same way all over.


Finger Friendly Tap Targets

Keep enough space for tap targets like buttons or icons. If the button is too tiny then they sometimes can get tapped for the wrong button.


Follow The Thumb Zone

Gradually the screen size is increasing. The bigger the phone the difficult it gets to hold it in one hand and operate. Therefore, the mobile apps should not just focus on the touch, taps, and movement of fingers over it but also over the space provided for the operation.

Bigger the phone gets, the difficult it gets to operate. So, plan your navigational and thumb space accordingly.

Follow Os Design Guidelines

You must always check for the guidelines to avoid any navigational errors or problem in the content layout. Follow the design conventions for buttons, icons, images, icons, etc.  Keep everything at par to the points mentioned in that book. There are different guidelines for each Android phone OS. You have to study them all and then, design an app that works perfectly smoothly.

Take Accessibility Into Account

Keep your App accessible to all types of users. Do not restrict it by taking too harsh measures because this will discourage consumers to join you. Make the basic layout at the reach of everyone. Gradually, you can keep on adding stuff into it.

Design a smart product that can help all types of people like those with poor vision, speaking and hearing impairments. People with disabilities should be able to operate over your app. That will be the real success of this.


UI Design Buttons

Use comprehensive and familiar UI designs that are generally used in other apps. However, work on how to organize them better than the rest. Keep your UI design so strong and elegant that it attracts the user to your app when there are 10 similar kinds of Apps around.

Do not put creativity into it. Putting fancy shapes and colors can make the App look like a solid flop. Do keep it classy and fancy, but never make it loud.



Using the right kind of fonts, texts colors and alignments can look easy. But it is actually difficult. Mobile topography largely depends on how smartphones these days look and operate. For big screen phones, small texts can be an unpleasant taste.

Therefore, proper testing and applying different font styles, spacing and alignments to the texts can take a little more time than you would expect it to.  But, in the end, you should check if the mobile content is visible and readable.


Reduce User Inputs

After making the optimum topographical choice, it is crucial to focus on the other aspects of the app like the user input.
